By Woz   1986

For I dreamed and saw  Salome, a queens daughter of that name

On the nights morn of her dance, her beauty and her fame

Contemplating reward for most terrible debauched whirl

And the reasons for what men do found no place in that young girl


 The King said half a kingdom, what an offer what a plight

The music played, the girl displayed, a Queen for just a night

A mother’s hatred, a prophets rantings, her judgement went astray

She did her dance, she missed her chance and John was led away


She swirled, she pranced with the rhythm and the sway

Yet she had turned down a fortune for a poor man's prompt decay

John's celibate denunciations. a mystic coupling entwined

A crucible within her awesome beauty, grace, sublime


She found the power within her, a simple mystery perceived

A virgin dancer, a lonely prophet had in their agonies conceived

Now gazing at the issue of her femininity and mirth

Supple limb and graceful turn had brought forth odious birth


For Salome's first born was a piece of dear John

Head torn from his body, his hopes, fears all gone

In the polished silver charger and lost of breath

She would not that it had been she brought forth awful death

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My poem for Salome